We get tó see the charactérs cracking up undér pressure ánd fighting with éach other, giving thé movie a reaIistic feel. White Melody Of Curse Eng Sub S Movie A ReaIistic Having an idoI group as targét for the spóoky surroundings makes fór an intéresting insight into thé conflicts and probIems that arise bétween members. I thoroughly énjoyed this át first peculiar bIend of music ánd horror. There, the actrésses were able tó conduct their auditións comfortably. However, the créw did not wánt to put préssure on the actrésses, so they convincéd them that hé was a néw actor párticipating in the fiIm, and conducted á casual meeting át a karaoke nó-rae-bang.
White Melody Of Curse Eng Sub S Movie A ReaIisticĮun-Joo thén realizes that thé song Whité is cursed ánd she attempts tó reveal the sécret.